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Uploaded: 11/03/09 5:19 AM GMT
Views: 3174
Dlds: 762
Status: active

The Tarantula is situated 170,000 light-years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud in the Southern sky and is clearly visible to the naked eye as a large milky patch. Astronomers believe that this smallish irregular galaxy is currently going through a violent period in its life. It is orbiting around the Milky Way and has had several close encounters with it. It is believed that the interaction with the Milky Way has caused an episode of energetic star formation - part of which is visible as the Tarantula Nebula.

Just above the centre of the image there is a huge cluster of very hot stars called R136. The stars in R136 are also among the most massive stars we know. R136 is also a very young cluster, its oldest stars being 'just' 5 million years old or so.

Credit: ESA/NASA, ESO and Danny LaCrue


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