
  Studio Orchids  

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Uploaded: 08/07/04 5:42 AM GMT
Studio Orchids
Views: 5234
Dlds: 2385
Status: active

I wanted to give this image a fluid look that I hope was achieved. Most “Western People” read from left to right so, with that in mind I used an old trick learned many years ago. Let your image "flow" from left to right. Note how the image is darker in the lower left side and becomes lighter as it moves upwards and to the right. I also gave the image an upward sweep to the right and where I wanted the focus of the image to be (the flowers of course) I left in relative chaos. That gives the eye its' focus. I sell a lot of my photography in the orient so, for that market I use just the opposite flow. So far it seems to be working well for me.


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