
  Moonlight Bandits  

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Uploaded: 09/05/17 1:27 AM GMT
Moonlight Bandits
Views: 1296
Dlds: 497
Status: active

Raccoons! My most exciting trashcan animal encounter however, to date, happened when I was hauling my trash out to the trash bin in Alaska. As I approached the bin, a bear popped out from around the corner, maybe 10 feet from me. I lived next to a large greenbelt and wildlife frequently used it to travel in and out of the city. I startled the bear and the bear startled me. We both froze for a second, looking at each other. The next thing I knew, my neighbor, who had apparently been watching the impending encounter from her window, came running outside to save me. The bear and I suddenly found ourselves faced with an extremely large woman, in an even larger hot pink muumuu, running full tilt towards us, mammoth breasts a-bouncing, waving a rolling pin, with her hair done up in curlers, and screeching at the top of her lungs. It scared the hell out of both of us and the bear turned tail and ran for his life. I never saw that bear come around again. :)


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