
  Meet Pokemon the Turtle  

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Uploaded: 08/02/09 6:46 PM GMT
Meet Pokemon the Turtle
Views: 506
Dlds: 77
Status: active

This Eastern Box Turtle has been a summer visitor to my house as long as I have lived here (6 years so far). He is an adult male, and my guess (going by his "growth rings") is that he is at least 20 years old. In the wild he can live to 80 years. His original name was "PokeAlong", but he was instantly renamed by someone very short who has to be watched to make sure he keeps his fingers away from the turtle's business (front) end. I won't let anyone pick him up. I did once (to move him off my driveway) but mainly I think he should remain undisturbed. Here, Pokemon is making one of his a frequent trips down my sidewalk, along the Hosta bed, through the opening I made in the brick siding and on down the hill to the creek. Thanks for stopping by to check him out!


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