
  Happy Sur-Reality  

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Uploaded: 09/18/11 8:56 PM GMT
Happy Sur-Reality
Views: 1382
Dlds: 45
Status: active

Imagine waking up one morning and your eyes have changed! You see the world like is cobalt blue, dark green is turquoise, dark red is hot pink. On top of that, everything is musical...the bird calls, the train whistle, and there seems to be a big fiddle thumming out a rhythm as you walk to work. You pass this little outdoor breakfast place, and you realize the delicious smell of baking bread is very evident. After your coffee and bagel, you continue to work. You go into the office building and find your cubicle. You hear 5 conversations going at once in the cubicles around you. You have no door; anyone can walk in at any time. The walls don't go to the ceiling and they are cream-colored, the carpet is beige. The coffee smells as if its been reheated. Now...which is surreal? This breakfast place or your office? Thanks for coming by to take a look.


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