
  Little Hawkeye  

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Uploaded: 06/17/06 9:02 PM GMT
Little Hawkeye
Views: 537
Dlds: 58
Status: active

I found this little Hawk, unable to fly, as it undoubtedly tried to make it through a plate glass window. On my morning walks with Blue, I uaually make the rounds of a number of remote cottages, just to make sure there hasn't been any breakins. Thiss little guy was huddled on the ground, a few feet from a cottage, very frightened, and definitely in distress. I took Blue home, and came back with the truck and a canvas shopping bag. Brought the little fella, home, put him in a large plastic tub, with a variety of food and some water, and left him to calm down, for a couple of hours. When I had listened to him pecking away at the food for some time, I checked him out again, and he was now standing, and attempting to spread his wings. He appears to be recovering, and I set him out on the ground and managed a number of shots. I was hoping he'd fly away, but doesn't seem strong enough, yet. I think he can fly, but the left leg appears weak, but not broken. Maybe a breised leg muscle, as he doestn't clench his claws, into the soil, as he does with his other leg, but can still stand on it, for a short time. See the next shot for a full lenght portrait


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