
  Little Mamma  

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Uploaded: 12/19/15 4:24 PM GMT
Little Mamma
Views: 509
Dlds: 242
Status: active

This young lady lived close by and dropped in every evening for over six years. She also showed me how she trained her offspring every season as she only brought them in, two at a time, until the full family was trained. She produced six babies every year for almost seven years, and allowed the pups to crawl all over me as I usually sat on the deck floor to make things comfortable. She only once brought a mate in later years, but was obviously the boss, as he wasn't allowed to eat any of the dog food I supplied until she had her fill, and also forced him back whenever he attempted to get to the food while she was watching the pups. It was a great experience, and one I looked forward to every Spring. Almost forgot. Had I forgotten to put out the food she would tap at the glass sliding door and eat out of my hand without touching my skin. Never found out how she did that.


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