
  mountains of cranberries  

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Uploaded: 11/22/13 9:43 PM GMT
mountains of cranberries
Views: 1469
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Status: active

I came across these three men (and one dog) harvesting cranberries in early november... they were wrestling with the last of the cranberries down at one end of the bog, and I was able to get a few shots of them before continuing my walk... the man on the left is raking cranberries toward the man in the middle, who is raking them into a submerged suction hose, which spits them out into a truck nearby... the man on the right is pulling a containment boom tighter around the berries... and the dog is having a drink of water... so on Thanksgiving, as you savor your cranberry relish next to the stuffing and turkey, think of these three men and one dog working hard to bring the little red berries to all of our holiday tables... I know I will... ;-)


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