
  Vestige (poem)  

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Uploaded: 10/12/16 12:48 AM GMT
Vestige (poem)
Views: 1123
Dlds: 614
Status: active

I once had this up but then took it down from my gallery. for one reason or another, maybe felt it wasnt that good. then again, im the only one i really have to please with my work. it might not be wallpaper worthy but im sure we all have one or two in our galleries to personalize them as ours. so with a little help on my poor grammer from a good friend Mesmerized she also gave me the link to the vintage paper I used from""

On one very cold, dark, winding, snowing, night. with the howling winds outside an old farm house on the country side. inside a fire burning to keep warm from in the fire place across the room, also some help from a throw blanket wrapped around in. after editing some pics and about to call it a night. i just started jotting down some thoughts into words and...more soon followed. before i knew it, the night was over, so was the snow storm...that was one long cold winter! been here 18 yrs and dont remember another one like it, until the next yr thats the truth..2 in row

I had no name for it, so Mesmerized gave me a few to think over, one choice was "Vestige" and so it became!



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