
  Fingers beware!  

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Uploaded: 01/27/13 2:51 AM GMT
Fingers beware!
Views: 402
Dlds: 36
Status: active

I shot this little guy last summer. I found him/her and it's siblings just trying to make it across the road near my home. Unfortunately, this appeared to be the only one to make it. This little snapping turtle was very small, possibly just born not too long before I found it. I have seen many adult snappers, but this was the first baby I'd ever seen. From what I've always been told, you would never want to get any of your extremities close to one of these because their jaws are incredibly powerful and once they bite, they WILL NOT let go, their bite is like the grip of a vice. So, cute to look at, but not very cuddly!~~~I really liked this shot and held onto it for a long time. I like the sand covering the turtle and the sun setting on this tiny survivor was wonderful.


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