
  Along the Calendar Trail  

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Uploaded: 04/28/09 11:18 AM GMT
Along the Calendar Trail
Views: 664
Dlds: 136
Status: active

Upon arriving at the Calendar Gardens you can either take the main entrance or do what I always do take the more scenic walk along the Elkhart River. This is a nice short walk along the river's edge, and takes you right up to the Calendar Gardens which is a work of love always in progress by the Master Gardener who designed it.

I have had the pleasure of meeting both the Master Gardener and the 90 year lady who donated this land to the Elkhart Parks system.

Last year Beth Defries invited me to her home and lucky for me the Master Gardener was there and they brought out the orginal layout plans of my favorite place and showed me pics. of it being constructed. I felt very fortunate for them to share this with me. It is my favorite place for flower, bees and butterfly shots.

I have mentioned before that I met them but thought since I have some new friends I would mention it again.

Just a touch of work done on this image using Dynamic-Photo HDR. Thank you in advance for your comments.

=^..^= sandi ♪


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