
  Momma's Precious Cargo  

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Uploaded: 07/27/13 11:25 AM GMT
Momma's Precious Cargo
Views: 472
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Status: active

Here is the very small hummingbird nest (the size of a walnut)- It was very hard to spot this tiny nest!- about 20 feet up in the tree.

Here is some information for you:

Baby hummingbirds are hatched out of hummingbird eggs. When a mother hummingbird is laying an egg, she can be seen sitting on her nest and shaking alternated by wiggling every few seconds. Mother hummingbirds will usually have two eggs laid on different days. The little eggs will be about the size of a pea or small jellybean. Even though the eggs will be laid on different days, both the eggs will usually hatch on the same day. The mother hummingbird can do this by not completely starting the incubation process until the second egg is laid.

The hummingbird eggs will remain in the nest incubating for approximately 16-18 days before they hatch. If the weather is cooler it may cause them to hatch a few days later. While the eggs are incubating in the nest, the mother hummingbird will sit on eggs to keep them at a constant temperature of 96 degrees.

Mother hummingbirds can have more than one brood of baby hummingbirds per season. If a mother hummingbird is going to have two nests per season, it is not uncommon for the mother hummingbird to construct another nest while still feeding her soon to fly away brood. Also, mother hummingbirds have no problem re-using another hummingbird's nest. Sometimes the new mother will move in before the nest has had a chance to cool off from the previous brood.

I also found a very nice video of them hatching, if your interested you can view the video by clicking Here .

This picture was taken with a smart phone by a tree trimmer who after finding out about the nest left the area around it untouched. Momma Hummer is still taking care of her precious cargo. These eggs are actually the size of pea,and nest is about the size of a walnut.

Thank you for viewing, and commenting.

Tigs♥ =^..^=


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