
  Monarch Butterfly  

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Uploaded: 08/27/15 12:56 AM GMT
Monarch Butterfly
Views: 555
Dlds: 172
Status: active

Last year I only saw a one or two Monarchs, I'm so pleased to see more of them this year.

I have learned that there are 3 different groups of monarch life cycles. The first two that are hatched live only 5 weeks. The third group which hatch in Sept. are the ones that have a longer life span, and do the migrating, and return the following year, then die. They are truly remarkable, and I have learned so much from my new friend Brenda, who finds the eggs on milkweed plants, and then takes the leaf and egg home to make sure they make it.

I received this message from Carol (Starglow) I'm having trouble seeing the small stuff yet and it's hard to type and see clearly. I'll keep trying to view the photos, but won't be commenting for a awhile till it gets earsier. Would you mind informing the others for me. Thanks alot.

I hope she is able to join us again soon.

here is a video showing their transformation to Chrysalis



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