
  Relocation relocation  

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Uploaded: 04/06/04 4:09 PM GMT
Relocation relocation
Views: 2357
Dlds: 202
Status: active

Well, just thought I'd give it a try too. I'm not a pro, just an amateur HTML/CSS coder. I can't do graphics so the 'Caedes' is ordinary text in a simple font. It's there just as placeholder basically, a nice graphic would look a lot better. Nothing as fancy as many of the designs posted here, but, there you go. Just wanted to try a simple layout. It's all hand-coded in valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional, no tables, all pure CSS. There's some simple hover effects you can see live here: (NB: The CSS needs checking for cross-browser compatibility - I'm sure the alignment of photos is screwed up in IE - so if you see anything looking strange on that web page, leave a note about it, if you like!) I'm still working on it so any suggestions and criticism very appreciated.


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