
  Tennessee Aquarium  

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Uploaded: 07/05/11 6:53 PM GMT
Tennessee Aquarium
Views: 988
Dlds: 30
Status: active

The Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga Tennessee is a wonderful place, but not an easy place to take photos.
This shot was taken with an ISO of 6400 and still required a 4.0 aperture and 1/8 second shutter to get the light. Yes, it is as dark as it looks. Maybe darker.

I spent the day with a 17-40mm zoom lens pressed against the glass set to f4 in aperture priority mode with ISO set to 6400. I tried flash once. Pointless.

Things I learned-
1. Four inch thick glass can cause some amazingly horrible chromatic aberrations if you try to shoot through it at an angle.
2. One inch of acrylic is even worse.
3. Deep water is dark.
4. A large slow swimming fish two feet away is moving very fast relative to your cameras viewfinder.
5. If you select the right photos and get the post work right it is hard to tell if the camera is in the water or shooting through glass :p

More interesting photos from the aquarium.
Swimming Turtle
Down Below
Watch your step
Penguins' Rock
Ominous Pursuit
Looks like Dinner!
Jellies 1
Jellies 2


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