As I stated... any type of mask would be included in Masks... from typical interpretation to most non-typical (but comprehensible)! Wikipedia... Mask <- gives a number of typical interpretations... you supply the non-typical!... with the explanation in your description. The pleasure comes from the participation... not the win! :o)
Emptiness. An image to convey emptiness. Perhaps physical emptiness, or maybe emotional emptiness. Sometimes an empty scene conveys more than just the scene itself.
Had an idea, will post it here ... and if someone else wishes, will allow them to put it up as an option.
Might have to get clearance from *caedes, however, on the reposting issue ... if not able to select from your own galleries as they sit and with current contest selection process/mechanism in place.
"Hidden Gem"
Dig through your own archives/galleries and submit what 'you' consider to be 'your' best photo/image/piece.
Anything you haven't already entered in a past contest is fair game.
Oh, and while you're at it, why not browse through past contests and mark a few favorites from your fellow Caedesians? You might just discover a 'hidden gem' or two.
Truth-Could be anything having to do with the subject nature of truth. Could be religion, could be an existensial idea of truth, such as solids opposed to ethereal. Many people could interpret the idea of the subject in many different ways, which is what would make it so much fun as a contest. To see how people interpret it into art.
To take a photograph is to make a presentation of God's work. Do so Wisely. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~Christian Of Caedes~~ Check Out My Blog!
Oh it's already started... I was going to suggest... oh nevermind. I'll save it for next time... or if I suggest spheres will it carry forward? I do like emptiness for this round though.
i) Open to all genres of art. Not just photography.
ii) Add a short description (one or two lines is sufficient) , so 'we' know what the artistic aim/intention of the subject matter is.
iii) Try not to repeat previous topics.