Transitions - an image who's subject is literally or metaphorically a point of transition.
So something as simple as the point at which flowing water transitions from smoothness to roughness or something as metaphorical as someone slipping a wedding ring on a finger, plenty of transitions, from sharp to smooth, in fractals and some digital image creators like Bryce offer awesome transitional possibilities with the uber smoothed textures they create. Mikel.
By "Dirt Tracks" I mean an unpaved road/path anywhere - in the woods, fields, hilly countryside etc. including of course the scene around the track. This gives one a wide choice of scenes.
I was stuck on parts or DOF, I know in a lot of images one could find another interesting image. DOF on the other hand would be fun, not to mention very interesting. I’m going with parts.
I remember a DOF contest from the past, so I voted for parts. But if that should give others a chance, everyone please rest assured I'm cool about it. :) I'm all peace & love really! ;)
I have gone with Parts... because it is currently second and as MarciaTF noted DoF had already been used in a contest previously... I used the Wallpaper Search to come up with these results! and in viewing but the first two results, I found it had been used 2 years ago and 4 years ago (April 2010 and Sep 2008.) And anyway, DoF (☺ or lack of it) can be used in any topic! ☺
I searched 'contest depth field' and I also think Parts is more Graphic Artist friendly!.