
Contest Results: Shadows

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 03/03/15 2:23 AM GMT
Winner: FlimBB (See the full results)

1st place
Shadow Perspectives by FlimBB

Jimbobedsel: Gadzooks! Looks like a winner to me!

rozem061: A well deserved 1th place in the contest, Mike !
Congratulations !

FlimBB: Thank you all. I am stunned! First, congratulations to everyone in the contest. There was some awesome work and, to be honest, I would not have picked mine as first place... but thank you all very much. ;-)

FlimBB received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Misty moments by Mannie3

Nikoneer: Shot with a point-and-shoot? Amazingly sharp and noise-free for a non-DSLR camera--a real feather in your cap, Rich. I love how everything is soft and ethereal except the individual in the center, and how that long shaft of sunlight, streaming in between the buildings, makes a shadow of everything else. The strong contrast of blues and gold helps as well. Sure to place and quite possibly win. 8)


Mannie3 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Sun Lines! by Dunstickin

Starglow: It's a beauty, love the shadows and composition.

douglask: Beautiful pic OB only 3rd place though, looking the entries it deserved 1st.

LynEve: Well done on your contest placement Bob.

corngrowth: Congrats Bob for you 3rd place in the contest.

4th place
Passing Hours by LynEve

mesmerized: What a cool find and entry for the contest...sublime in its' of luck, Lyn.

Constance52347: A unique find and wonderful capture! This would make an excellent entry!

corngrowth: ---Tempus fugit velut umbra. (Time flees like a shadow)---

Lyn, I would reply: Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis. (All things are changed, and we are changed with them). lol.

Very apt capture for the 'Shadows' contest.
If this will be your entry: Good Luck with it.

5th place
In days of old by biffobear

mesmerized: I was not a big fan of shadows as a kid in Grandma's old house but I sure do like this one now...wonderfully nostalgic, lovely play of light and shadow, and great detail in the carpeting and of luck in the contest.