
Contest Results: Motion

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 06/26/16 7:15 PM GMT
Winner: stylo (See the full results)

1st place
ZOOM! by stylo

mesmerized: Zzzzzooming in here to offer a big congrats on first place...well deserved my friend!

stylo: oops :( Well i can change it back. Whats everyone else think?... interesting topic.

tigger3: I was thrilled to see you came out on top, congrats my friend.

stylo received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Fetch It-Dog Diving by tigger3

icedancer: Big Congratulations Sandi, way to go - Bravo

LynEve: This really is a spectacular photo Sandi - expert work. Congratulations on your well deserved placement :)

elektronist: Good timing in this action shot.

bfrank: This one gets my vote Sandi.

tigger3 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Tilt A Whirl by Hottrockin

luckyshot: Randy - Congratulations on placing in the Motion contest. A wonderful photo!

mesmerized: Congrats on taking 3rd place, Randy!

PatAndre: I'm glad you are doing these. I miss the ole Lion who use to be so good at this. Keep'em coming. KEEP-PAH

4th place
Ballerina by elektronist

mesmerized: Congrats Tanju on taking 4th place!

J_E_F: Don't know how you did it but I like it!

LynEve: An amazing and unique image Tanju.
Congrats on your placement in the contest. It was a good bunch of entries this time.

jerseygurl: Congrats Tanju on taking 4th place in the contest!!!!!!!!!!

5th place
The Swinger by mesmerized

tigger3: I'm so glad you placed in the contest, kudos to you SAW.

Ramad: I would recommend the top left one Pat. Bottom right also would have been good but the legs are not fully shown there. Good luck on whichever you choose.