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Ended 09/20/16 4:15 AM GMT
Winner: jerseygurl
(See the full results)
Flmngseabass: Wow!! Congratulations Laura on a first place win here!!! I knew this would rank high and here you are the winner. Well done!!!!
gr8fulted: Ooooo, this is a really nice one!
corngrowth: Congratulations Laura for winning the 'Diagonal' contest! Cheers, my friend!
jerseygurl received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
mesmerized: Up into the wild blue yonder...great shot!
corngrowth: Tanju, this 'minimalistic' image would be a perfect entry for the 'Diagonal' contest.
If you'll decide so, Good Luck with it, my friend!
jerseygurl: Congrats Tanju on taking 2nd place in the contest!!!!!!!
elektronist received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
tigger3: Now this is totally different, and very well done, the only thing I would have done different would be to crop the sliver at the top of the image, but that is just my thought. Kudos, this is really cool!
corngrowth: Congratulations Bruce for your 4th place in the 'Diagonal' contest!
Very well done, Buddy!
LynEve: Delightful diagonals and well done in the contest Bruce !
icedancer: This is an excellent work and entry - looks like a total mirror image - this is Spectacular and Good Luck my friend, love it
jerseygurl: Simply beautiful Ewa - Excellent Work Indeed!!!!!!!!
jerseygurl: Congrats Ewa on taking 5th place in the contest!!!!!!!!
icedancer: So beautiful and peaceful scene you've captured perfectly - love those pastel colour & reflections - right into my favs