
Contest Results: Diagonal

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Ended 09/20/16 4:15 AM GMT
Winner: jerseygurl (See the full results)

1st place
Color Spectrum by jerseygurl

Flmngseabass: Wow!! Congratulations Laura on a first place win here!!! I knew this would rank high and here you are the winner. Well done!!!!

gr8fulted: Ooooo, this is a really nice one!

corngrowth: Congratulations Laura for winning the 'Diagonal' contest! Cheers, my friend!

jerseygurl received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Plane by elektronist

mesmerized: Up into the wild blue yonder...great shot!

corngrowth: Tanju, this 'minimalistic' image would be a perfect entry for the 'Diagonal' contest.
If you'll decide so, Good Luck with it, my friend!

jerseygurl: Congrats Tanju on taking 2nd place in the contest!!!!!!!

elektronist received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Scene Seen On The Seine by gr8fulted

tigger3: Now this is totally different, and very well done, the only thing I would have done different would be to crop the sliver at the top of the image, but that is just my thought. Kudos, this is really cool!

4th place
Leading Somewhere by Flmngseabass

corngrowth: Congratulations Bruce for your 4th place in the 'Diagonal' contest!
Very well done, Buddy!

LynEve: Delightful diagonals and well done in the contest Bruce !

icedancer: This is an excellent work and entry - looks like a total mirror image - this is Spectacular and Good Luck my friend, love it

5th place
Summer time by ekowalska

jerseygurl: Simply beautiful Ewa - Excellent Work Indeed!!!!!!!!

jerseygurl: Congrats Ewa on taking 5th place in the contest!!!!!!!!

icedancer: So beautiful and peaceful scene you've captured perfectly - love those pastel colour & reflections - right into my favs