
Contest Results: Breaking the Rules

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 09/20/17 9:15 AM GMT
Winner: Vickid (See the full results)

1st place
Quick...take a photo before the sailboat........ by Vickid

jerseygurl: Congrats Vicki on taking 1st place in the contest - Well Deserved!!!!!!!!

elektronist: Great timing! Good luck in the contest.

Flmngseabass: Way to go Vicki!! I voted for this!! I knew this would win or be close:):) Congrat's!!

corngrowth: Vicki, I've enlarged your image bigger than a full screen size image, and saw that the sailboat had anchored there (in a sealane?) without using the proper black anchoring sign in the mast.
A risky situation, because the people on the bridge of this ferry, responsible for a safe navigation, could have been brought in doubt now. To me bad seamanship of the sailors on this sailboat.
Fine capture however, and a good entry for the current contest.
Good Luck with it, my friend!

Vickid received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Profiles by braces

jerseygurl: Congrats on taking 2nd place in the contest!!!!!!!

corngrowth: Steve, I don't know whether this will be your entry for the current contest.

If not, think it over, as this would be a very appropriate entry.
If so, Good Luck with it, my friend!

braces received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Light trails on M66 by stylo

Tootles: Oh, before I forget.... faved!

icedancer: Love the shot and the movement - it's great you got such a shot

tigger3: As you know i have not tried something like this, and I need too! Not sure so about standing in the roadway, I should not be so luck to have a nice policeman ask what the heck I was doing! Chris this turned out great. I also notice the walkway sign, isn't that the long-----------trail we have talked about? tigs=^..^=

4th place
Breaking the Rules by Dunstickin

rvdb: Congrats on your win.


GomekFlorida: Very unique angle and good luck in the contest!

bfrank: Congrats Bob. You placed fourth but could have easily won I thought.

jerseygurl: Congrats on taking 4th place in the contest!!!!!!!!!

Ramad: You have broken the rules twice in this image Bob. Your punishment will be that you will become no. 1 rule breaker. Good one.

5th place
Broken Rules by Ramad

Nikoneer: Naaaaaww... he broke the rules during class and now he's being forced to hold his beak to the blackboard. When I was in second grade I didn't get this punishment... I was locked in a closet (but the nun forgot the light switch was on the inside :o).
