
Contest Results: Breaking the Rules

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 09/20/17 9:15 AM GMT
Winner: Vickid (See the full results)

1st place
Quick...take a photo before the sailboat........ by Vickid

Flmngseabass: I laughed Vicki when I saw this because of it's natural and spontaneous nature!!! This should fair very well in the contest. Perfect job for the occasion!!!

biffobear: Quick reactions caught It well...R.

corngrowth: Congratulations Vicki for winning the "Breaking the Rules" contest.

Vickid received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Profiles by braces

LynEve: Intriguing ! - makes us want to see more and wonder what they are doing there in front of the crooked trellis. A Barbeque? A working bee? A garden tour?

Vickid: This photo is intriguing and really catches your eye. Excellent composition, result works perfectly. Bravo.

braces received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Light trails on M66 by stylo

bfrank: Nice shot of light trails. I'm glad you didn't get hurt there in the dark or arrested.

galaxygirl1: This is a very cool image. You did a great job with it. I'd say it was worth it being out in the early morning. Well done! Oh and I'm glad the cop didn't ticket you. :)

4th place
Breaking the Rules by Dunstickin

gonedigital: Broken the rules hey Bob! oh boy your a bad lad. (o:

gr8fulted: Uhm. the rule of thirds is not just horizontal. It's also vertical. as such this actually falls within the rule of thirds...just sayin'.

corngrowth: Bob, to me another proof that the 'rule of thirds' is only an advice to obtain a better image, and not a suffocating dogma.
Viewing this 'family portrait' I can't imagine that this one could be taken better, therefore it's a very good image that meets the current contest topic.
Good Luck with it, Owd Mucker!

5th place
Broken Rules by Ramad

corngrowth: Congratulations Raj, for your 5th place in the "Breaking the Rules" contest. Well done!

jerseygurl: Oh you really broke the rules on this image Raj - if the photography police see this, you're camera will surely be confiscated lol - Good entry
for the contest - Good Luck!!!!!!!!