
Contest Results: Breaking the Rules

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 09/20/17 9:15 AM GMT
Winner: Vickid (See the full results)

1st place
Quick...take a photo before the sailboat........ by Vickid

Flmngseabass: Way to go Vicki!! I voted for this!! I knew this would win or be close:):) Congrat's!!

questjester: Congratulations, Vicki! :)

bfrank: Congrats on winning the "Breaking the Rules" contest Vicki.

tigger3: I have been in the same situation, so I can appreciate your quick reaction to a good photo opt. well done. tigs=^..^

Vickid received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Profiles by braces

corngrowth: Steve, I don't know whether this will be your entry for the current contest.

If not, think it over, as this would be a very appropriate entry.
If so, Good Luck with it, my friend!

jerseygurl: Congrats on taking 2nd place in the contest!!!!!!!

braces received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Light trails on M66 by stylo

corngrowth: I wondered how this capture was taken until I read your narrative, Chris.
Think you've showed the image already on the display of your camera to the police officer. Think she was impressed. Could be an explanation why she was that kind to you, ☺ .
Excellent camera work resulting in a perfect night shot!

4th place
Breaking the Rules by Dunstickin

bfrank: Congrats Bob. You placed fourth but could have easily won I thought.

questjester: Congratulations in the contest, Bob! :)

gr8fulted: Uhm. the rule of thirds is not just horizontal. It's also vertical. as such this actually falls within the rule of thirds...just sayin'.

5th place
Broken Rules by Ramad

Vickid: Perfect, textures and softness come through incredibly well, love the set up and capture. Best of luck in the contest.

Nikoneer: Naaaaaww... he broke the rules during class and now he's being forced to hold his beak to the blackboard. When I was in second grade I didn't get this punishment... I was locked in a closet (but the nun forgot the light switch was on the inside :o).
