
Contest Results: Decay & Dereliction

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Ended 03/21/18 9:15 PM GMT
Winner: JaiJoli (See the full results)

1st place
Dereliction by JaiJoli

Vickid: Terrific angle here, and the light adds to the textures and details. This looks like an excellent entry for the contest.

bfrank: Make a real fine entry I would say. I like the light coming in the once picture windows.

JaiJoli received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
A Bit Worn Out by Vickid

gr8fulted: Good photo worthy of it's high status in the contest winners. Congratulations!

rvdb: Congrats on your win Vicky.


rvdb: Decay wornen paint broken window and shutter like it alot Vicki.


w42w42: I am sure there is so much history and so many forgotten stories in that one picture. Who has walked through that door? Thanks for posting!

Vickid received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Composition of Decomposition by gr8fulted

Lin_O: very well done on 3rd

tigger3: I like your composition, of the decomposition. Makes me wonder what the story of this rustic home is? I really like the rural beauty with Mt. Hood in the background. tigs=^..^=

0930_23: What a view they had back in the day. I like shots of abandoned places like this. The textures are outstanding and Mt. Hood in the background is a bonus. You snagged a goodun'.


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4th place
Dereliction at Grove Rake Mine by Dunstickin

Flmngseabass: How did you gain entry Bob??

tigger3: Thank you for the link, I just questioned that a place in such state would be safe for the public to enter, and take pics. I guess things are different across the pond. I still question the availability of entering such a place for pic. taking. It is what it is.

5th place
Dilapidation by jerseygurl

Vickid: Your capture is superb, and you surely chose an excellent scene to photograph. The details and light allow us to see the weathered barn, with a sense of almost being there. Super shot, perfect for the contest.