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Ended 05/13/18 2:15 AM GMT
Winner: Dunstickin
(See the full results)
corngrowth: Talking about 'Monster Waves': I think to see the head of a monster, Bob.
Beware that this monster swallows you, Owd Mucker, ☺ !
Good one with an excellent vantage point!
corngrowth: Congrats Bob, for winning the Characters in Nature contest.
Very well done, Owd Mucker!
Dunstickin received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
mesmerized: Hey this is pretty cool, Bruce...great find and well taken...best of luck in the contest.
Ramad: Congrats on your second place Bruce.
rvdb: Congrats on your win Bruce well done.
GomekFlorida: Wow! Funny how nature can sculpt such realistic works. Fabulous find.
Flmngseabass received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
jerseygurl: This is quite an amazing image Vicki - those trees look very healthy in that they are displaying abundant foliage - I would suppose the river is comprised of elements that the trees need to survive - the color and currents of the river are spectacular - Great Capture and Good Luck in the current contest!!!!!!!!!
Nikoneer: Works for me. The yellow on these blossoms could also be stars with thin arms. Such great definition makes them look as though they were painted. Wow.
corngrowth: Congrats Kathy, for your fourth place in the Characters in Nature contest.
Very well done, my friend!