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Ended 05/13/18 2:15 AM GMT
Winner: Dunstickin
(See the full results)
Flmngseabass: Well Bob,I have to tip my hat to you. You nudged me out of 1st place and deservedly so!! Great job buddy:)
Ramad: Congrats on your win Bob.
LynEve: Took me a few moments to get my head around this and understand what I was seeing - a very unusual photo - I like it :)
Dunstickin received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
tigger3: What a great find this was, love it Bruce. Good luck I think it's an excellent entry. tigs=^..^=
0930_23: Congrats on your win in the contest BB. It was very good.
Ramad: Congrats on your second place Bruce.
corngrowth: Congrats Bruce, for your second place in the Characters in Nature contest.
Very well done, Buddy!
Flmngseabass received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
rvdb: Congrats on your win Vicki as I said above a winner.
Dunstickin: Really well done on getting 3rd place Vicki...I love the flow on that water....
casechaser: Y do you ask? Of course it would be a possible entry. In fact a good one. And I see a second Y, or maybe a broken K, or a raised V, in that nearby tree. Hum...characters in nature...I think you nailed it.
Flmngseabass: Very colorful and I like the hearts in their design here. Well done Kathy:)
Vickid: This is a stunning capture, colors and angle are simply perfect. Excellent entry for the contest!
LynEve: What fabulous petunias - I think it is a real contender for the contest.
galaxygirl1: Cool capture, it even has a nose lol.
mesmerized: Well you brought me a chuckle today too, Solly, lol...a great find and certainly qualifies for Manic Monday.
Nikoneer: It's THAT tree! The one the ubiquitous hugger is always looking for in jokes and bad movies!