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Ended 06/06/20 6:15 PM GMT
Winner: LynEve
(See the full results)
corngrowth: Lyn, congratulations for winning the 'Saturday, in the Park' contest.
corngrowth: ---I tell you, that dog was smiling---
Not that usual for a dog that expresses it happiness mostly by barking, Lyn. But of course, I take your words for granted, 😁
Very fine image however!
LynEve received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
Flmngseabass: Wow John!!! A superb image with great colors/contrast and subject matter!!! Love that water spray:)
tigger3: Very nice image, I like the perspecitive of the people in the foreground. It adds charm to this pleasing image. tigs=^..^=
rozem061 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
Ramad: Congrats on your 3rd placing Bob.
LynEve: Congrats Bob. I just love the colours in this
Ramad: Nice one with the reflections in the water and the shadows on land.
bfrank: This is a beautiful scene and I love the colors, Bob. There are many of such man-made reservoirs in Alabama. We have one in our town as well which can provide so much functionality and beauty.
franktommy: Congratulations Kathy awesome picture
bfrank: Congrats on 4th place, Kathy!!
corngrowth: The lighting gives this park a somewhat mysterious, but wonderful, touch, Kathy!
Great and impressive entry for the current (Saturday, In the park) contest.
Wish you the best of luck with it!
Dunstickin: Congrats John...I thought this would do well...
icedancer: Absolutely stunning and love the glow and the way it is lighting up the field in the background
bfrank: Congrats on placing 5th, John! Good job.
mesmerized: Congratulations John!!!