
Contest Results: Light and Shadow

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 01/01/21 6:15 AM GMT
Winner: jerseygurl (See the full results)

1st place
Walkway At the Monastery by jerseygurl

trixxie17: Congrats Laura!!

trixxie17: Great entry Laura - Merry Christmas!

biffobear: well done

tigger3: Excellent choice for the contest! Merry Christmas! tigs=^..^=

bfrank: Way to go, Laura!!! Congrats on winning the contest!!!

corngrowth: Laura, congratulations for winning the 'Light and Shadows' contest.
Very well done, 👍 !

jerseygurl received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Light and Shadow by Starglow

Flmngseabass: Congratulations Carol for taking 2nd place here. Well deserved:):)

jerseygurl: Congrats Carol on taking 2nd place in the contest!!!

rvdb: Congrats on your win Carol very well done!

tigger3: It fits the contest perfectly! tigs=^..^=

Starglow received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Light and Shadow by rvdb

Ramad: Wonderful image - so serene and gives the impression of peacefulness and a great entry for the contest Rob.

tigger3: Rob you amaze me! Very good contest entry. tigs=^..^=

bfrank: Very good job and great entry, Rob. I figure as much time as you have invested in restoring images that you can move rather quickly now.

4th place
Alex and his shadow by Vickid

rvdb: A great entry Vicki very nice to view.

Flmngseabass: Way to go Vickie on taking 4th place in the contest. Such a fun picture:)

corngrowth: Vicki, congratulations for your 4th place in the 'Light and Shadows' contest.
Very well done, 👍 !

5th place
Light & Shadow by Ramad

Flmngseabass: Hey Raj, you snuck in there with a 5th place win. Way to go!!!

mesmerized: Gorgeous, the dark tones and ambience...terrific rework.

corngrowth: Raj, this isn't only a very good entry for the current 'Light and Shadow' contest, but a wonderful Foofy Friday (F۲) contribution too.
With respect to its first 'function', I wish you the Best of Luck with it.