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Ended 01/01/21 6:15 AM GMT
Winner: jerseygurl
(See the full results)
tigger3: Excellent choice for the contest! Merry Christmas! tigs=^..^=
Flmngseabass: Congratulations are in order Laura for your 1st place WIN!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go:)
biffobear: well done
Vickid: This scene has been captured perfectly, timing was terrific, wonderful idea, bravo!
jerseygurl received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
za4em9: Nice image: it has an old-school feel to it, with the pixelation and the rainbow effect. In a sense, this image exercises the viewer's imagination, also helped by the unusual color palette.
corngrowth: Could be a winner, Carol.
Splendid capture that meets perfectly the contest topic.
I wish you the Best of Luck with it.
Starglow received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
Ramad: Wonderful image - so serene and gives the impression of peacefulness and a great entry for the contest Rob.
Vickid: Oh yes, stunning scene here, very dramatic, love the light and shadow aspect of this. Excellent entry.
casechaser: Don't we all kind of miss being the age Alex was when this picture was taken? A child fascinated by the shadow on the wall of himself. An amazing find for him and yet, just wait for his reaction, still in that age, when he found another him as he passed the bathroom mirror! So many wonders, so much of life yet to experience.
Now Vicki, I am shocked at you for questioning the possible participation of this picture in the current contest. How in the world would this picture qualify in a contest titled, "Light and Shadow?" I'll allow others to judge if the obvious use of light producing a shadow, as your picture depicts, thus qualifies it under the rules of the contest. Grant you, it does appear that such trickery of using the contest title as the main features should elevated your photo to such status and if you do submit it for contest I for one would surely vote for it! ;)
Vicki, I hope you and your family have a wonderful, healthy, and Merry Christmas ~~ John
mesmerized: Gorgeous, Raj...love the dark tones and ambience...terrific rework.
Flmngseabass: Hey Raj, you snuck in there with a 5th place win. Way to go!!!
trixxie17: This is a beauty Raj - I like you can also see a tiny patch of sky - good luck in the contest.