
Contest Results: The Place Where I Live

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Ended 04/03/10 11:15 PM GMT
Winner: Mythmaker (See the full results)

1st place
Where I Live. by Mythmaker

Flmngseabass: Congrats buddy although I wanted to win:):) I thought I was some competition but maybe next time:):)

gabi_h: Congratulations on your first place win. Well deserved!

Leahcim_62: Excellent landscape Mikel, I thought it said Austrian alps at first glance, looks nothing like I imagine Australia to be.
What a beautiful scene, great capture :)) Good luck in the contest..

Mythmaker received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Home by biffobear

Tomeast: That is some image with the reflections.I thought it was a ferris wheel at first from the thumb.Nice shot.

Inkeri: Gorgeous photo,Richie..So Beautiful colors and reflections.

purmusic: Really nice shot, Ritchie. :o)


A tad soft. A tad. Took your image here up to the largest resolution and had a look around. Seems to my eyes that you did perform some noise reduction?

Or, perhaps your post processing is at the roots of what I am seeing here. As there also seems to be some intentional blurring. A la Ortons, if you will.

That said ...

Still warrants a +favs for sure.

Gorgeous perspective and well-composed.

Thanks for sharing this one with us. :o)

biffobear received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Just around the corner by 100k_xle

fogz: It's like an Alien World EJ! Are you sure you are an earthling? good luck in the contest - excellent entry!

0930_23: Anywhere the Egrets call home has to be beautiful EJ. Nice to see a post from you. Or should I say Cypress? It looks like it goes on forever.


4th place
White Tunnel by SEFA

casechaser: It is a beautiful view to see each day! Good luck in the contest. ~~ John

0930_23: I like this one a lot Susanne. I think you chose a really good one for the contest. I would wish you luck but I don't think you need it with this one. Excellent post.


5th place
Tyne bridge & the Sage theatre by Leahcim_62

verenabloo: Hi MIchael...I recognized this bridge! biffobear(richie) posted a photo of this bridge just recently. Lovely place for sure. You must live kind of close to each other. Verena

toxiccosmic: Belting shot! Perfect exposure! BOL