
Contest Results: The Place Where I Live

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 04/03/10 11:15 PM GMT
Winner: Mythmaker (See the full results)

1st place
Where I Live. by Mythmaker

toxiccosmic: Wow! a real belter of a shot! And a heartfelt description that adds even more!

mikerkim: Really nice, Mikel. Good luck in the contest. Oh yeah, and congratulations in the last contest.


Heroictitof: I really like the atmosphere in this shot Mikel !
Very beautiful wild landscape.

Mythmaker received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Home by biffobear

SedaJe: Lovely shot!

catweasel: A fabulous shot. The reflections are stunning.

ovar2008: This is a very good picture .

billyoneshot: Perfect composition on this one Richie. The bridges and the reflections are amazing.

bingwa: Beautiful ... "Home" looks great to me!


biffobear received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Just around the corner by 100k_xle

Roseman_Stan: Top notch entry EJ. Beautiful entry! Best wishes to you.


scorpie: Great capture, good luck.

Tomeast: Great angle here.An outstanding image , EJ.

bingwa: Great shot!! Looks like the ideal place to explore in a canoe, and waterproof case for my camera. It's beautiful.


4th place
White Tunnel by SEFA

Starry173: Wow!

luckyshot: Susanne - The canopy of snow-covered branches make this road a beautiful ride - very pretty scene! Thad

Lynthirteen: That is so lovely. You have done a fine job on this one. Good lucky in the contest. Lyn.

tigger3: This is so lovely and the lead in is perfect. Good luck in the contest my friend. ♪ ♫ :)Sandi♪ =^..^=

5th place
Tyne bridge & the Sage theatre by Leahcim_62

Logun7: »»-»»((*-:¦:-*))»»-»» Fantastic Shot ««-««(( *-:¦:-*))»»-»»

Leahcim_62: Good idea M8, I shall enter it & see what happens :))
It's a nice pic to share if nothing else, must pop back & take some more of this subject on a clear night...