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Ended 09/26/10 3:15 AM GMT
Winner: mesmerized
(See the full results)
StarLite: Congratulations on the win! :)
J_E_F: Is that a draft coming out of my monitor from your infinite image? Trouble is it would take too long to walk down that corridor to shut the door...
Well done on first place!
mesmerized received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
sharonva: This is among my favorites in the Infinity contest. Good Luck!
gabi_h: Congratulations on your second place win! Well done.
tigger3: Congrats on the second place finish, This was such a good entry. Tigs♥ =^..^=
HanneK received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
bingwa: Excellent post, and interesting monument!
jeenie11: great entry. i love the shot.
Flmngseabass: A intriguing piece Tanju!! Nice work:)
MarciaTheFaerie: We all mistake freedom for doing all we want even if what we want to do may be wrong. There's a certain road to take towards true freedom.
Very clever shot, and beautiful monument with a perfect name. Best of luck to you in the contest! :)
avedeloff: Has a very magical feel to it. Good luck.
koca: Interesting shot, good idea shooting this. I like it.
casechaser: congrats Chris
diaz3508: I like it .... Great job and good luck in the contest ....
BarnArt: Nice work!
StarLite: I kinda wanted this one to be a winner but still congrats on taking fourth place. Very nicely done!
catweasel: I suppose you have to thank Beeching for being able to do this in safety Richie. Best of luck.
koca: Beautiful shot, the scene is wonderful, I like the lovely surrounding. Good luck to the contest.
Dunstickin: ~~"Crunch"!~~
That train was late mate.......sorry!...
Good perspective!..