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Ended 05/12/11 3:15 PM GMT
Winner: Leahcim_62
(See the full results)
Logun7: Congratulations on your 1st place win!!!
auroraobers: Great job! Congratulations.
fogz: Congratulations - a beautiful image! It has been on my desktop for a week!
biffobear: Well done...R.
jeenie11: Really beautiful. At first I thought it was a manip.
Leahcim_62 received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
rvdb: Congrats on your win John very good work.
Logun7: Very dramatic!! Very well done:)
dreamer100: It is spectacular that the foreground silhouette is sharp and lit with accents on the dinghy while the rest is so evenly shrouded. Balanced and well composed. The stern and the tie line seem to point from the light to the shadowed side
fogz: Very atmospheric and spooky Rob! I can hear the ghosts wailing!!! arrghh! :) a very creative image!!
Logun7: Congratulations not only on winning but for producing this masterpiece:)
Jimbobedsel: I love the lighting in this. It really makes it eerie looking. Great job, Rob.
Inkeri: Absolutely Fabulous sky,EJ.Gorgeous photo and work.Faved.
scorpie: Yikes, great capture, hopefully all those tornadoes are ending now.
PatAndre: Oh, by crackie, I just accused you of not posting and here is one from you. And, what a beauty. How did you get 7 exposures? I think I know but would like to hear it from you. Hasn't it been just terrible with tornados lately? Never seen anything like it. I'm glad we don't get too many around our parts. KEEP-PAH!