
Contest Results: rustic

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 09/08/11 9:15 PM GMT
Winner: DigiCamMan (See the full results)

1st place
Half Breed by DigiCamMan

Roseman_Stan: Truly excellent work! Congrats on a well deserved First place finish in the Rustic contest.

auroraobers: Very nice- congratulations on the win!

Flmngseabass: Outstanding composition here!!!!!!!!! A fabulous image with super contrast and colors!! Superb work and now a fave for me;):)

DigiCamMan received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
California Gem Seed Sower - 3 by palral

rvdb: Congrats on the 2nd place in the contest Roger!


billyoneshot: I would like to see the ones in b&w and sepia myself. This is a good one though. I have to admire a man that puts so much into getting one pic just right.

palral received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Rustic and Rusty by 100k_xle

Dunstickin: Do us a favour mate, and ship Owd Momma out to sea on it for me eh!!...~Sniggers!~

Good rendition of HDR and great for the current contest!...the boat....not momma

Roseman_Stan: Truly fine work here EJ. Excellent really.

4th place
Where it comes from... by tndr

0930_23: You have the essentials pictured is such a nice photograph Maria.


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Marzena: Both rustic and basic as you said "simple life".
For me this is #1.

0930_23: Congrats on the 4th place finish in the contest. It was a great entry.


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5th place
Rustic valley by krt

PatAndre: Just wanted you to know I viewed your pretty image. I am recovering from botched eye surgery (cataract removal ) that did not go right. I will recover normal sight but it will take time.

Nikoneer68: Beautiful photograph.
Nice composition.
Thanks for sharing.