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Ended 10/29/11 11:15 PM GMT
Winner: twinkel
(See the full results)
SEFA: Congratulations on your first place in the Water contest Els.
Very well deserved!
Logun7: Congratulations on your first place win!!
purmusic: Hmmmm.. I thought I had commented on your photo here already?
Must be.. getting old.
... ...
Don't respond to that.
Well deserved placing and win. A great shot and one that is more than fitting for the topic/subject matter.
Congratulations (belated). :o)
twinkel received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
Inkeri: Stunning Beautiful,Mikel.Good luck.
J_E_F: Good result for a great shot.
rvdb: Congratulations on your win nice........
dusa1947: What a treat!
corngrowth: Great patterns in this one Mikel. Very creative again!
Regards, Cornelius.
Mythmaker received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
tee: Perfect timing on the splash, Jan - very cool action shot! Best of luck in the contest -
rvdb: Congratulations on your win very good work.
J_E_F: You really made a splash with this contest. Well done.
Dunstickin: H20?...That's a JD without!...ain't it?...lol
Canny creation from you, good luck!
Silvanus: Terrific shot, John! I love this frozen moment in time and how you've captured the power and motion of the wave. The figure embedded in the face of the wave is a great addition, as are the two lone palm trees. A beautifully composed and executed shot.
- Steve
jeenie11: Superb. You have great timing.
Logun7: Congratulations!!
J_E_F: Spot on timing. A moment in time indeed.
FlimBB: Congratulations on your win. I like this one a lot. Of course it would look sooooo much better with my name under it, but I guess I can't always live with my head in the sand. ;) Grats man.