
Contest Results: Windows

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 02/26/12 2:15 AM GMT
Winner: Dunstickin (See the full results)

2nd place
Corridor Of Windows by Joanie

rvdb: Congratulations on your win.


Flmngseabass: Way to go girl.Congratulations Joanie..........almost first place:):) Hugs. BB

Fifthbeatle: Great job on the contest, I enjoy your work!

casechaser: Congrats Joanie !!

mesmerized: Congratulations, Joanie!

Joanie received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Transparency by danmus

mesmerized: Wonderful night shot...lots to look at here and love those colors...a great one for our current contest on windows.

Fifthbeatle: Excellent job on the contest!

CDHale: Wow! Im lovin this. Very nice entry for the contest.

4th place
The Lookout by zunazet

rvdb: Cool....


susanlynn: The lighting in wonderful David - expression very good on subject.

Logun7: Congratulations!!

Marzena: The model bears some resemblance to SOB = our Bob ... [SOB=Soddy Owd Bob - I am explaining for the last time ! HOWGH]
Also very handsome ... LOL
Yours SAM

5th place
The Corridor by casechaser

100k_xle: Excellent perspective on this topic John. Best of Luck.


mesmerized: Congratulations, John...well done.

Eubeen: A great job with this photo, John. I like the shadows and lines in the image. A good perspective looking down the corridor.