
Contest Results: Simplicity

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Ended 03/31/12 4:15 AM GMT
Winner: twinkel (See the full results)

1st place
Feathers by twinkel

flanno2610: Simple but full of exquisite detail!

luckyshot: Els - Congratulations on winning the Simplicity contest. Thad

solita17: Sweet and lovely simplicity, Els. It isn't that easy to get feathers focused so sharply. Good one!

twinkel received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Wings of the seagull by elektronist

icedancer: A wonderful entry and Good Luck.

LakeMichigan: Congratulations on your placing in the Simplicity contest.

Roseman_Stan: I agree with the other comments. Wow is this good!!

gizmo1: Wow this is absolutely stunning with beautiful colours and nice sharp detail too.I love the ripples and background blue water.This is 10/10 well done to a great looking photography.This is going to the art council as a keeper.

elektronist received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Just A Johnny Jump Up by chadwik05

Flmngseabass: Yup,fits perfectly!! Nice one:)

mesmerized: Congrats on your great third place win.

zunazet: I like it! Very nice.

LakeMichigan: Congratulations on your placing in the Simplicity contest.

Eubeen: A good angle in the photo. Nice focus and details in the flower and bottle. Lovely colours and composition. Best of luck in the contest.

4th place
Mirrored Bliss by quaffapint

johindes: Beautiful! Good luck in the contest x

LynEve: Congratulations on your contest placement.
Well deserved with this beautiful image.

Sinestro: That's a Perfect scene... Nice job!!

nuke88: whoooow love this, just my style, i love this one!!

5th place
A Bud In The Sun by Jimbobedsel

cynlee: Well, it's a really fine entry, Jim. Nothing wrong with this picture. The details are excellent and the dof is perfect in degree and shade. Good luck!

Roseman_Stan: A wonderful entry this is too Jim. Spring being born is such a delight....