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Ended 05/04/12 6:15 AM GMT
Winner: Heroictitof
(See the full results)
wheedance: Congrats! That's absolutely stunning!
mesmerized: Congratulations on your first place win...a gorgeous entry.
Flmngseabass: An absolutely electrifying image!!!!!!!!!!! Most exquisite and gorgeous!!!!!!!
egggray: Fantastic entry, you win, love it.
Heroictitof received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
icedancer: Super entry and brilliant colours, Good Luck
Dunstickin: 3 Months free membership coming your way pal...
(I need a diet coke after saying that!..:) )
elektronist: Unusual and beautiful work, Doug. Good luck in the contest, my friend.
vangoughs received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
LakeMichigan: This is a good entry for the contest. Creative and well done. Best of luck in the contest.
ryzst: I just had the privilege of voting this beauty #1 in the Fluid contest.
It's simple, bold and stark. All admirable qualities in a photo and this one is a home run.
koca: Wonderful work, real gold. LOL
Logun7: Nice Entry! Best of luck to you in the contest:)
LynEve: Congratulations Mary - another well deserved result with this lovely image.
hardtkem: Amazing photo, Mare!!
SEFA: Excellent shot and a great contest photo. Good Luck!
Logun7: Awesome Entry! Best of luck to you in the contest:)
LynEve: This was such a wonderful entry Dan
Congratulations on the placement - well done :)
Marzena: Like agent SAT, oops SOT, I also had a deja vu sensation.
As a child I had to place a bean or a pea or even a horse chestnut on a cloth, put in the jar of water - exactly like you show. And then we used to get marks for the bigger and better looking plants. Every year the same procedure throughout the primary school [8 years]. Would you believe it ?!!! LOL
How many lost beans, peas and horse chestnuts trees.
Great post.
You can count on at least one vote from me LOL which is unfair since agent SAAB does not leave my side - why cannot he vote? LOL