
Contest Results: Fluid

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 05/04/12 6:15 AM GMT
Winner: Heroictitof (See the full results)

1st place
Fluidity by Heroictitof

vangoughs: Just Amazing Work Sir!!!
A Winner???

CDHale: Excelent photography and post work. A perfect entry for the contest.

TheWhisperer: This is wonderful. A brilliant entry for the comp. Good luck and well done!

Heroictitof received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Home Made by vangoughs

mesmerized: Congratulations on your second place excellent entry.

Tootles: Very eye-catching... it's like bubbling beer brimming over. ;-) Good luck in the contest!
(Got hit by the 'flood control' error just now as I had a connection glitch and had to repost a comment I'd saved for someone else. Then I came straight back to this with the comment waiting, clicked the button, and it said 'flood control....' Is that ironic or what?! ;-) )

vangoughs received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Liquid Dispersion by chadwik05

Logun7: Awesome Entry! Best of luck to you in the contest:)

Fifthbeatle: Best of luck!

nuke88: this is a really cool idea, best i have seen in a while!!

purmusic: Cool shot.

Cool idea.. and well executed.

Particularly like how you composed this one.

And the colourations work well in imparting not only the sense of being underwater, but, motion as well. At first glance, in thumbnail ... thought I was looking at some aquatic plants.

Best of luck in the contest. :o)

4th place
wavy gravy tree by solita17

LakeMichigan: Congratulations on your placing in the fluid contest.

Fifthbeatle: Best of luck!

luckyshot: Mary - Few can capture reflections as do you. Magnificent work! Thad

ro_and: brilliant in colors and action, a very well composed picture...Ro

5th place
Acorn Sprout - Fluid entry by Fifthbeatle

Good luck in the contest!

Susiesun: **

So simple and so catching eyes at the same time, clever work, good luck!

Logun7: Awesome Entry! Best of luck to you in the contest:)

Flmngseabass: You did it buddy. Congratulations in the contest with this image:)