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Ended 11/24/12 6:15 PM GMT
Winner: solita17
(See the full results)
Tootles: Smooth and peaceful scene... congratulations on your win. :-)
purmusic: Yep.. still beautiful.
Joanie: Gorgeous Mary!!! The solitude is showing ;-) Beautiful color and comp girl!!!
tigger3: wtg: congrats on your win! Tigs♥ =^..^=
solita17 received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
mesmerized: This is indeed a wonderful capture Ewa, and a unique entry for the contest...good work and good luck.
tigger3: Off into the wild blue! this is a wonderful capture Ewa. That sky is perfect for this shot. Tigs♥ =^..^=
ekowalska received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
Starry173: What a wonderful spot. Thanks for taking us there. Faved.
Zava: Superb capture, Diane. How could you miss in such places :)
biffobear: That water looks so good..Nice one...R.
mafecp21: wow! who wouldn't wanna be here! lovely colors!
mesmerized: Congrats, Eugene, on your marvellous painting placing in the contest.
nanadoo: Art!!! Pure art!! Congrats!
Dunstickin: Yer a very talented chap Eugene...A bit like digital pictures...if one doesn't look good, ditch and snap again!
Amazing work here my friend...even after binning it!