
Contest Results: Optical Illusion

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Ended 12/11/12 7:15 PM GMT
Winner: Lightpainter (See the full results)

1st place
Highway To Heaven? by Lightpainter

Nikoneer: Heck, from the thumbnail I thought it was a cruise ship. Neato!


Xetxuna: Wicked Angle on this one. Wow!
I wish I would have had the camera I have now when I last was there. ^.^

LynEve: Congratulations on your first place in the contest Ted.
A unique image - well done :)

Lightpainter received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Optical Illusion - After Riley by Papi11on

mesmerized: Congratulations, Anne-Marie...well done!

kerkira: nice, nice, very nice!! I put it as a favorite

mesmerized: Wow,'re not here too often but when you are you sure make it count...excellent optical illusion and entry for the contest...don't forget to put it in the contest of luck but don't think you'll be needing it.

Papi11on received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Interest by coram9

mesmerized: Chris, good to see you and this new direction you've taken...a clever and very engaging and thoughtful composition...great b/w tones as well.

Fifthbeatle: Well Done! Very interesting, we're all trying to figure out who the people are on the screens!


4th place
Optical Illusion by Ramad

PatAndre: Grrrrrrrreat optical illusion. And, a good eye for spotting it.

tigger3: Congrats Raj on your contest placement, it was a good one.
Tigs♥ =^..^=

LakeMichigan: Great capture and contest entry, Raj. Optical Illusion for sure . Good Luck !

5th place
Escalators & Revolving Doors by mesmerized

coram9: This has a very SF feel to it. Wonderful.

tib: Very cool work! I really like the tones you've used here Pat and the low light is fabulous. This mirrored-looking image seems to go on into infinity!

luckyshot: Pat - Great work and entry for the 'Illusion' contest. An overarching design that appears to be easy to identify is made complex through the scaled repetition and opacity variations, with a sense of infinity resulting. Kudos! Thad