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Ended 02/01/13 4:15 AM GMT
Winner: LynEve
(See the full results)
Tomeast: Fine Image..
danika: The sky sets the silhouetted person off nicely & a perfect contest entry too. Very well done, Lyn ... best wishes in the contest.
SEFA: A very Moody image and so well taken. He looks so alone there.
Great work. Good luck in the Contest.
LynEve received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
unclejoe85: Real nice job Dan, now you must leave the forest, I hear banjo music.
SEFA: A lovely photo and a great entry for the Contest. Good luck!
LakeMichigan: Love this , it pops right off the screen.
Great warm tones and textures.
Nice camera work !
Fifthbeatle received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.
icedancer: Wonderful modern art work Susanne
LynEve: Superb creation Susanne - and makes a smart and elegant desktop.
mirto56: This is amazingly artistic! I, being a novice, don't understand how it's done, however, this is art in all its' glory. Fantastico!
rvdb: Zunen a Top Class picture congrats on your win.
LakeMichigan: This is a great shot & contest entry.
Great lines , light and shadows.
Good Luck !
questjester: I love the clean lines of geometric perspective that you've captured so well. It makes the soft, curvy form of the human being stand out all the more.
You might try to photoshop that left wall's visually distracting raggedy edge a bit. Every other line in this image is crisp and clean and draws the eye inward toward the human form.
Overall, very nice. Good luck in the contest!
LakeMichigan: Congratulations on your contest placing, Jim.
Great entry .... way to go !
tigger3: The solitude, the composition, and soft colors all make for a wonderful image my friend. Tigs♥ =^..^=
LynEve: Congratulations Jim, not only was this a great entry - it also makes a great desktop and is a delightful image.