
Contest Results: fog

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 03/26/13 11:15 AM GMT
Winner: coram9 (See the full results)

1st place
Freezing Fog by coram9

Nikoneer: I like the stages of depth in this image. The foreground trees and fence are a little fuzzy and dark, a scene I am very familiar with even when there is no fog (living in the far north of the U.S. as I do), and with each successive shape beyond the clarity gets less and less. I also like your positioning of the road to the right; the only thing even close to centered here is the rising sun. It's not a "calendar perfect" scene but one that is more true to life. I think you did an excellent job of maintaining balance, Chris, but that's something I've come to expect of your work.


coram9 received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Foggy Morning on the Board Walk by icedancer

stonewolff: Nice view and angle. I always like 'fog shots.'

LakeMichigan: Congratulations Pat on your 2nd place in the contest .
Excellent entry . ..... WAY TO GO !!!!

Nikoneer: When experiencing fog in a landscape, one usually has it in abundance, nearly obliterating everything in view. In that situation it's difficult to see the difference (within the same photograph) between the fog and the same scene untouched by the earthbound cloud. Your photo truly shows a clean edge of fog, relatively rare, and that's what sets this image apart from the others. The smaller portion of clear boardwalk, with a pleasant and well-composed diagonal to the left, pulls us into the scene as though it were attempting to skirt the edge of the fog. The open water in the foreground allows us to see the edge of the fog. This is a very nice capture, Pat, in that it shows the fog as an entity separate from the rest of the world. I could easily see this as a dust jacket for a mystery novel or a cover for a jazz CD. For my money, it's the number one choice in this contest. No one's beaten it yet. I know you've referred to yourself as an amateur shutterbug (I'm paraphrasing here) in the past, but this is professional level. Good work.


icedancer received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
The fog rises off the delaware river by fionbharr2000

rvdb: Congrats on your win Holly.


Eubeen: Congrats on the contest.
A lovely fall scene with beautiful colours and depth in the photo. I like how the fog snakes its way through the scene.

bfrank: Congratulation for placing well in the contest Holly. Your image was great. I bet the judges had are hard time deciding.

4th place
FALL FOG by nuke88

tib: This is so pretty and serene! I love the bright fall leaves on the water and the way that they are pushed away to either side, as if a canoe had recently floated through. The bare trees and their reflections are so dark and lovely, they look as though they are damp from the moisture of the fog. The fog itself and the faint outline of the trees is just perfect and so surreal. The texture from the knife is stunning, I wish I could reach out and touch it! This is my most favorite nuke88 painting to date and it's going to grace my desktop tonight! A peaceful and very beautiful work of art that touches my heart Eugene!:)

5th place
Morning Fog by zionbill

nuke88: beautiful, my kind of photo, love this shot!!!!

Eubeen: Good composition of this moody winter scene. Nice lighting and DoF in the photo.

LakeMichigan: Beautiful shot and contest entry .
Good Luck !

bfrank: Very moody and very nice.