
Contest Results: Can you feel it?

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 04/13/13 6:15 AM GMT
Winner: auroraobers (See the full results)

1st place
Stormy Skies by auroraobers

snapshooter87: Beautiful shot, Sheri. Dramatic use of the overcast sky.

Fifthbeatle: Pretty cool, I like the white building in the distance against the storm clouds.

Dark clouds and sunshine make for a great combination.

LynEve: Lovely contrast of the grey sky and bright and cheerful tulips - a real pleasure to view this one :0

auroraobers received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Black Pine Animal Sanctuary _ Hannah by tigger3

SEFA: She looks so sad, I hope her new Life in the sanctuary gives her a happy life from now on. Great shot. Good luck in the Contest!

rvdb: Congratulations on your win Tigs.


rvdb: Good entry well done.


tigger3 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Night fire by tib

LakeMichigan: I think it's a great shot, Tina and an excellent contest entry . Good Luck Girlfriend !!

solita17: Congrats on your win Tina! For me you captured something both awesome and terrifying in this fire...

rvdb: Congratulations on your win in the contest Tina well desevered.


4th place
Look at Him by Ramad

tib: He's just beautiful Raj! His eyes are amazingly expressive. An excellent capture of this kind-hearted soul.

icedancer: Oh my goodness, I can feel the love and kindness in him, what sweet eyes. Excellent shot and what a adorable dog. Superb entry and good luck

5th place
Trash Art 0110 by rvdb

third_eye: Congrats on the acknowledgement, but this should've been in 1st or 2nd, not 5th. And thank you, too for being one of the only ones to "get" the true meaning if the contest theme.

LynEve: Congratulations on your contest placement Rob.
It was a superb entry.