
  A Piece of History  

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Uploaded: 08/25/11 6:17 PM GMT
A Piece of History
Views: 1802
Dlds: 60
Status: active

This rather antique looking cabin is actually just a picnic shelter on Mt. Mitchell. I cropped out the cooler to the left .... But I thought it looked nice and rustic!


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08/25/11 11:29 PM GMT
Superbly done work.
Thanks for sharing
0∈ [?]
Adult: A person who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the middle.
08/26/11 9:16 PM GMT
Perhaps a bit strong on the sepia toning but I like the lines on this shot. The textures in the wood and how the logs interlock... Well framed.
0∈ [?]
For in and out, above, about, below, 'Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show, Play'd in a Box whose Candle is the Sun, Round which we Phantom Figures come and go. From Edward Fitzgerald's Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam

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