
  An Eye in a Green Face  

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Uploaded: 10/08/11 2:39 AM GMT
An Eye in a Green Face
Views: 1789
Dlds: 56
Status: active

I thought it was about time I figured out how to work with depth of field in Vue.

"An eye in a blue face
Saw an eye in a green face
'That eye is like to this eye'
Said the first eye,
'But in low place
Not in high place.'"
--JRR Tolkien, "The Hobbit", Chapter 5: "Riddles in the Dark"


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10/08/11 2:29 PM GMT
Very well composed shot. Excellent!!
0∈ [?]
"If I should leave this path of life today, I would carry the vision of Gods' rose blooms with me as I go......" -- Stan V. Griep
10/08/11 9:01 PM GMT
Computer generated? Awesome!
0∈ [?]
People aren't going to remember the things you do. They're going to remember how you made people feel. Be kind, gracious, and appreciative. Dan Winters - Photographer.
11/04/11 9:56 PM GMT
Lovely work... DOF in Bryce takes an age to render; I hope it's a lot quicker in Vue! Very impressive anyway.
0∈ [?]

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