
  Moon at the Crossroads  

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Uploaded: 01/11/06 9:53 PM GMT
Moon at the Crossroads
Views: 2875
Dlds: 518
Status: active

The moon was shining down at the crossroads, surrounded by a handsome tree and a wind-driven power station. That was too much of a good thing, I had to drive back and take this picture. Tell me what you think, any comments are highly appreciated.


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01/11/06 10:49 PM GMT
I like this one Bernd, it has a lost & desolate feel to it, as though no one else is alive. The pale tree echoes the pole & the moon shining down seems to emphasize the lonely feel to this shot. You sense that the road stretches for miles, without a single living soul to disturb it. Very emotive. Well done ! Always trust your instincts, they're dead on target !!
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Ask Not For Whom The Bell Tolls .......Let The Machine Get It ........ MY GALLERY
01/12/06 3:08 AM GMT
Hmmm very interesting capture. The moon is and the tree is really great. But Berned I feel like the stuff in this image is not matching with each other like. The moon and the tree maybe but the signs and the windmill does not. So there is a lack of feeling towards this to become a "great shot". How ever I like the way you have composed this and capturing good details at this time of the day. Good work.
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Kindly visit my gallery and comment on my photos.
01/12/06 9:23 AM GMT
I see you don't leave home without a camera Bernie? That is great because we wouldn't be able to admire this interesting photo of yours. What a composition. The nature against the man made. You like contrasts don't you? I cannot agree with Priyantha cause I believe the setting was deliberate. The rime on the tree looks splendid.
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Here is my gallery "In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" Aristotle
01/12/06 12:56 AM GMT
an other very lovely and interesting, I love how u manage the elements( AIr, Light and life) on this one, well, I guess u were lucky to find this kind of unusual place, and take the perfect shot. It has a kind of pintoresque touch, unreal, and having three different places at the time on just one...the line stand of each is just under equilibrium...three elements: AIr, Light and life....
U know what I mean, great, great, :)
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“Suspiros etereos se abrazan con un beso eterno” Enjoy My Gallery
01/12/06 4:23 PM GMT
Bernd this is a great picture, glad that you had your camera handy. I think this shot in all works well. What a neat place and the capture of the moon in the sky with its soft colors really sets this off. Another tastefully done picture here, fabulous job :)
0∈ [?]
"Holy, holy, holy is the lord God Almighty - the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come."
01/12/06 9:40 PM GMT
This is a very interesting composing of items. I guess I feel they are almost too extreme to "suit each other"...I would love to see the moon and the tree or the other way I would like to see the windmill, the street signs and the moon...I know you would have been able to decided which that moment. The way you did this it is almost like an abstract and kind of reminds me of an artist that did this, I cant at the moment think of his name..but he would paint very unusual objects all on one canvas..and make it look so very very dramatic and abstract. Maybe you know who I am talking bout. But I do certainly like the lovely sky, the moon and the landscape in general.
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Simplicity is Elegance..Thoreau
01/14/06 3:12 PM GMT
Landmarks, old and new generations. There is so much discussion about whether or not those windmills are scarring the horizon, but I must say that I like them there, as long as they don't come in too many a number.
Good one Berndt!
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If you can't find the words, you may as well shoot it...
01/18/06 1:32 AM GMT
Very Uniqe image.
0∈ [?]
02/05/06 10:36 PM GMT
Unique to be sure. A perfect contrast of a bygone past and a near future.
I love shots like these where you can lose yourself in the symbolism
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Success is not Success if it is Inevitable.

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