
  feather garden  

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Uploaded: 03/17/04 7:36 PM GMT
feather garden
Views: 11130
Dlds: 6082
Status: active



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03/17/04 8:14 PM GMT
aswome cain looks aswome 10/10 favs
0∈ [?]
You only live once take it to the extreme -_- ‹^›(ò_Ó)‹^› Shiznet ‹^›(ò_Ó)‹^›
03/17/04 8:16 PM GMT
Great one!!!! lovely....
0∈ [?]
Art defines the people
03/17/04 9:09 PM GMT
Very very cool, I like the lighter colors in this one...^^;;
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nil magnum nisi bonum
03/17/04 9:33 PM GMT
thank you Nick, BLueD3viL, Chamaelon ! ^^
0∈ [?]
03/18/04 7:17 PM GMT
Very nice work,and agree with Chamaelon.Beautiful!Lucy.
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carpe diem.
04/11/04 3:28 PM GMT
Lovely. I love the colors. It's very calming
0∈ [?]
04/13/04 3:45 PM GMT
weird texture
0∈ [?]
04/13/04 4:16 PM GMT
thanks guys!^^

auuroko :lol, yes maybe^^
0∈ [?]
05/01/04 5:01 PM GMT
I love this pic. It is different because it has a different range of colors than the rest of them. Good work!
0∈ [?]
07/10/04 10:18 AM GMT
beautiful realli suits the silver XP on my desktop...which is where it is now!
0∈ [?]
07/15/04 7:30 PM GMT
This is awesome! I really like the middle portion.
0∈ [?]
07/16/04 1:38 PM GMT
verry beautiful one, i like almost everyone of the ones you make . 10/10! =)
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Didrik is my best friand!
09/19/04 12:19 AM GMT
It's fragmented, hazy, mixed-up... kinda reminds me of my brain! It is easy on the eyes, yet you can continue to be entranced by the movement...It's something that won't bore you, unlike other pics that are soothing to look at. I also like the contrast between light and dark. Uber sweet! Love it!
0∈ [?]
Christ loves me the way I am, and too much to let me stay that way.
09/22/04 1:12 AM GMT
really nice, I like the complexity of it...The colors too
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If this is a free country, then why does it cost so much to live?
03/05/05 2:35 PM GMT
Wow! I think this image is amazing, everything just works so well, it's beautiful ;]
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"Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly." -Batman costume warning label
08/24/06 5:51 PM GMT
I love this cain, you have alot of beautiful pictures. This one is definately one of my favorites.
0∈ [?]
10/06/07 7:57 AM GMT
This is what the Abstract Artist of the past had in mind. The Zen of "BAMBOO" on a windy day. (Just my version) As you can see, you got my attention, so I took this piece home under "ABstract ARTist" Thanks :P

0∈ [?]

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