
  Io transit  

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Uploaded: 09/13/09 5:00 PM GMT
Io transit
Views: 2911
Dlds: 173
Status: active

On my second day of venturing into imaging I was lucky enough to catch quite a few passable images of the Io transit, showing the moon approach and then disappear over the disk of Jupiter. Neximage and Celestron 8SE used for capture.


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09/13/09 5:05 PM GMT
"Neximage and Celestron 8SE"?

Pretty good P & S camera(s) by the looks of things, KJ.


You must have been amped to see these results. :o)
0∈ [?]
"An eye for an eye, and soon the whole world is blind." - Mahatma Gandhi
09/13/09 5:12 PM GMT
I was extremely excited with the results. It's part of 25GB of data that needed processing, and it's kinda like that line from Forrest Gump. Planetary imaging is like boxes of chocolate, you never know what kind you are gonna get until the stacking is done.
0∈ [?]
09/13/09 5:34 PM GMT
25 GB's?

25 GB's??

You are scaring the desktops and their respective owners now, KJ. ;o)

Most impressive ... more so now, with that information. :o)

Curious ... time frame involved?
0∈ [?]
"An eye for an eye, and soon the whole world is blind." - Mahatma Gandhi
09/14/09 2:41 PM GMT
Well that includes all the raw data, most of which is disgarded. Took various videos over a 3 hour period. The specific images are around 4000 frames stacked. 3 mins for each seperate planet and taken about 5 mins apart.
0∈ [?]
09/19/09 3:14 PM GMT
/\ Still boggled here, KJ.

Really like the aspect of you having managed to capture/portray the rotation of the planet's axis, in addition to the moon's transit. :o)

... ...

... ...

Heyyyyy ... HDR treatment, perhaps? Might kick things up some?

Lol. Kidding, kidding. :oP
0∈ [?]
"An eye for an eye, and soon the whole world is blind." - Mahatma Gandhi

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