
  Pink cube  

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Uploaded: 09/27/06 7:50 AM GMT
Pink cube
Views: 371
Dlds: 55
Status: active

A simple one while I am working on some new projects. Thanks for looking :-)


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09/30/06 1:20 AM GMT
wow, that's cool. My favorite part is the texture: feels warm, soft, but you can see it's plastic. I also find a bit scary the total absence of everything in the background: just creates an egocentric feeeling... Like there's nothing but this cube floating in nothing... ness. Very nice.
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09/30/06 10:51 AM GMT
Thank you :-)
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My site
10/01/06 12:05 AM GMT
Woh cool one here. The background you used really adds to the cube - almost gives the illusion of the cube altering just slightly before your eyes - maybe melting like an ice cube. Very nice.
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“Now I know the things I know, and I do the things I do; and if you do not like me so, to hell, my love, with you!” ~Dorothy Parker (American short-story Writer and Poet, 1893-1967) PS- JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS, I JUST CANNOT KEEP UP WITH THE THANK YOU'S AND STILL HAVE TIME TO ENJOY ALL YOUR BEAUTIFUL WORK - SO PLEASE KNOW THAT I APPRECIATE YOU ALL!!!!!
10/01/06 12:54 AM GMT
Thank you :-)
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