
  Tower of fire  

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Uploaded: 07/17/07 5:44 AM GMT
Tower of fire
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07/17/07 2:06 PM GMT
I'm sorry Donna, but this looks a little to 'cut & paste' to me. There is nothing that blends the tower into it's surroundings, i.e. shadow, reflection, etc.
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Arty to IT's Gallery Prints now available at Deviantart under artytoit
07/17/07 4:08 PM GMT
Perhaps it is only my monitor, but I'm missing the top of the tower, other than that, I like the mood, as it fits in with the series you're producing. :)


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07/17/07 5:06 PM GMT
Thank you :-)
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07/18/07 3:28 AM GMT
where only the strongest survive here in this world...

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07/18/07 7:32 AM GMT
just reraching the tower is a trial of courage. :-)
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07/24/07 11:27 AM GMT
I like the texture/pattern of the tower a lot. This has a foreboding but calm mood, somehow. As though the world is one of resignation to doom, perhaps.

I'm also missing the top of the tower though I like what I see. I think maybe the base of the tower - the way it is seated in the landscape - could be improved, though I've no idea how you'd do that, of course.

- cfr
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07/24/07 12:06 AM GMT
Thank you :-)
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