
  Penn Hill Snow  

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Uploaded: 02/21/10 7:45 PM GMT
Penn Hill Snow
Views: 398
Dlds: 44
Status: active

Road Near Penn Hill Mast, Wells, February 2009


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02/23/10 6:44 AM GMT
A nice capture of this winter scene. Good angle and perspective to your shot. I like the way the trees envelope the road. Good job and thanks for sharing.
0∈ [?]
In order to discover who you are, first learn who everybody else is; you're what's left.
02/24/10 9:42 PM GMT
Good capture. I like the angle and perspective in ur shot. The two persons standing at the far end gives the image the depth.
0∈ [?]
If "Ignorance is bliss", then why should we seek knowledge?
02/25/10 3:29 AM GMT
A good shot, looks like around here at the present time
0∈ [?]
"A Photographer does not operate a camera in order to merely take pictures. Photographic work is always personal.. A photograph reveals the photographer "
02/25/10 6:51 AM GMT
Nice crisp and clear shot. Well done
0∈ [?]
02/25/10 8:46 AM GMT
looks like a bit of adventure here, nice shot of a winterscene
0∈ [?]
let me keep my eyes open, let me see the beauty

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