
  The Glass Man Revisited  

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Uploaded: 06/19/15 7:25 PM GMT
The Glass Man Revisited
Views: 1556
Dlds: 532
Status: active

This is a major rework of The Glass Man. I decided the colored spheres in the original were very distracting... out of there! With some very careful lighting placement I was able to bring out the glass effect much more and I like this background a lot more. An extremely long rendering time though. I think I'm going to replace the current Glass Man in the contest with this one.


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06/20/15 3:34 AM GMT
This is "Cool Man"...I do like the blue shades better than the Christmas ones...
2∈ [?]
06/20/15 1:37 PM GMT
Oh man this is something else, I love it, faved, and perfect for the contest. tigs=^..^=
2∈ [?]
Nature in all her glory is my uplift on life and so is my love of photography. sandi ♪ ♫
06/21/15 3:40 AM GMT
Very cool. I like this guy better than the first one. They are both quite original. Good luck.
2∈ [?]
06/21/15 6:54 AM GMT
A fantastic re-work, Mike. He stands out much better in this version. Good luck in the contest.
2∈ [?]
Smile, without a reason why. Love, as if you were a child, Smile, no matter what they tell you Don't listen to a word they say Cause life is beautiful that way. (From the film "Life Is Beautiful")
06/29/15 1:26 AM GMT
Excellent work and a fantastic image. Wonderful details, colours and lighting effects in this creation. Best of luck in the contest.
2∈ [?]
Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane. -- Philip K. Dick, Valis
07/02/15 3:12 AM GMT
Congrats on 3rd place win!!!
2∈ [?]
07/02/15 12:42 AM GMT
Well done...A really good one...R.
2∈ [?]
I wish I was a Glow Worm, a Glow Worm's never glum, 'cause how can you be grumpy, when the sun shines out your bum?
07/03/15 2:10 AM GMT
Congrats on your third place. Good job.
2∈ [?]
Life's moments are sweet. I just want to capture all that I can of them.

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