
  Alice and the Yucca Worm  

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Uploaded: 06/08/17 12:08 AM GMT
Alice and the Yucca Worm
Views: 1341
Dlds: 420
Status: active

Something I did years ago in pencil and altered in Photoshop.


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06/08/17 1:16 AM GMT
Yessssss.. +favs for me.

Like your alterations, DeLaine.

I imagine.. colour (gradient) for one, where the background is concerned.

And then, the colour of that one eye. Which is a great focal point and well-placed within frame on the note of composition.

Not sure if you enhanced the line art/pencil work itself, but, if you did? Good good job.

This is.. to my mind and eyes, a "DeLaine" special. Really nice work.


But, of course.. thank you for sharing this one with us
0∈ [?]
06/08/17 6:48 AM GMT
This is cool.
0∈ [?]
06/08/17 8:45 AM GMT
Stunning work. Love the colors, the artwork is fantastic. Your creativity shines through on this piece. Favorite.
0∈ [?]
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
06/08/17 1:12 PM GMT
Outstanding artistry and detail! Really phenomenal!!
0∈ [?]

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