
  "Pizza Jockey" - The Underemployed Grad Too  

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Uploaded: 09/18/23 7:23 PM GMT
"Pizza Jockey" - The Underemployed Grad Too
Views: 125
Dlds: 42
Status: active

--- In the past decade or so, word spread and the demand for the abovementioned pizza brand (and its authentic family "NYC Taste") became so great, Our Girl had to open up another satellite shop elsewhere in Mess County (see map), which in turn shortly led to another - until she expanded to the current number of 5! So now in addition to the home restaurant in Witches' Valley, there are two in Artopolis itself, one in northernmost Spiderdale, and a seasonal location on the Boardwalk of the shore resort city of Port Werewolf, which closes after Xmas and opens back up the following Spring during the first week of April...

--- During operating hours, ALL locations are ALWAYS extremely busy, especially now within the last two years since Carlotta set up a smartphone app available for download where anything on the establishment's menu can be ordered, paid for, and then delivered to you via WVP's own delivery team, or via any of the other rapid food transport services such as DoorDash, Uber Eats, or a more localized one that goes by the name, "PhantomNosh"...

--- Yes, business is certainly booming for "W3dg3 & Co,", and they're always hiring, hence the above ad you're apt to see everywhere - provided you reside somewhere within Mess County!

The fictional logo is from this earlier concoction, and the "Multiple Pizza" images are from a collection of royalty-free stock images I've had forever - left over from my freelance Graphic Design days...

See Also: "Barista" - The Underemployed Grad...


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09/19/23 4:46 PM GMT
Awesome render Ron. The only question I have now is "Witch" one to I order:):)
0∈ [?]

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