
  Late Night @ Klownie's 91  

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Uploaded: 12/10/23 9:44 AM GMT
Late Night @ Klownie's 91
Views: 90
Dlds: 38
Status: active

"--- Pour votre plus grand plaisir visuel, la direction est fiere de vous presenter un numero - tout droit venu de Paris !"

...I guess the Klownster couldn't wait to book this particular act until the night of December 23 (Klownie's is closed on December 24th and Christmas Day) and besides, that particular date is usually reserved for a second (or even third) appearance/presentation of this seasonal "shin"dig!

--- And NO, I don't know what the "Ooh-Lah-Lah" portion of the title signifies, but with the way I hear tickets are already selling, you'd better "High-Tail" your back end over to the "Klownaround" while you still can!


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